
America sells stuff to countries who will KILL us....

All Hail the Free Market in America
 Give thanks this holiday to the US Free market, which allows our corporations to sell to countries, who in turn kill our soldiers in the middle east, using our own TECH to do it.

What matters has never changed:
Who you know, what you own, and how big is the check you can write.
Our National color is GREEN, the color of money.

Those who OWN us, continue to CONTROL us, and they are getting BETTER at it.

5 ENTITIES control 95% of the Media in the country
9 Men control the HEDGE FUND MARKET, determinin­g what you pay for EVERYTHING you need to live.
6 Financial institutio­ns control 85% of ALL investment in this country.
2 Government ENTITIES control 90% of ALL residentia­l property.

ALL OF THIS IS BY DESIGN, You are given the illusion of choice, when in reality:
What you Read, See, Watch,
What you eat, How much it costs,
Where you work, Live and Play.
And whether you live OR die

Are all controlled bay an increasing­ly small group of men and business entities.


Welcome to the 21st century, or as I call it:


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