
The dumbing down of America, courtesy of the GOP

The GOP is determined to kill the collective intellect of America. Ever since the study came out that showed that the higher your IQ, the more liberal you are, the GOP is on a "Stupidity" bender.

The thing that keeps me going is a simple fact: Those that the right call the 'Elite' have something called an "Intellect", and they choose to use it.  Your intellect  cannot be taken away, and will only grow as you feed it truth and facts.

No matter what happens to this country, the smarter you are the more likely you are to succeed. And no matter how loudly, or how many yell  "I am dumber than you", stupidity, ESPECIALLY as a way of life, will never rule the country long-term.

So you GOP fans, you keep racing to the bottom, and we will keep sharpening our wits, and rising to the top. And when this phase of dumbing down America and Americans has run its course, we will there there to rebuild our country better, stronger and smarter than before.

Righties, you are welcome to join us, but first you must learn to separate fact from fiction, and you start THAT by turning off FOX and start thinking for yourself for a change.

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